MFG Day – Manufacturing Day – October 4, 2019 United States

MFG Day – Manufacturing Day! In this content, we share with you about (MFG)Manufacturing Day and  MFG day 2019 Histiry, Quotes, Facts, Gifts, Activities, Articles, Theme. This Friday, October 2nd is National Manufacturing Day. As a U.S. manufacturer, we are proud to be participating in this annual event for the fourth time.  We’re excited to be hosting close to 50 students from local tech schools and colleges in the area and hearing from guest speakers Kathy Manderino, Secretary of Labor and Industry in PA and Sandy Montalbano, Director of Media for the Reshoring Initiative.  With all the attention MFG Day is receiving, we thought we’d take a step back to learn how the day was established.

Since its beginning in 2011, Manufacturing Day has achieved several thousand manufacturing plant tours across the U.S and Canada. The event is co-produced by organizations that come together to provide the framework for Manufacturing Day.This year includes FMA, NAM, MEP, and The Manufacturing Institute.

MFG day 2019 Histiry, Quotes, Facts, Gifts, Activities, Articles, Theme

On October 2nd, 2014, President Obama issued a presidential proclamation declaring the first Friday of October as National Manufacturing Day. The President stated the following in his proclamation: On National Manufacturing Day, more than 1,600 American manufacturers will open their doors and take up the important work of inspiring our young people to pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering. Today’s science, technology, engineering, and math graduates will power the next chapter of American production and innovation, and harnessing their potential is an economic imperative. When our manufacturing base is strong, our entire economy is strong. Today, we continue our work to bolster the industry at the heart of our Nation. With grit and resolve, we can create new jobs and widen the circle of opportunity for more Americans”.

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What is Manufacturing Day?

Manufacturing Day is the celebration of manufacturing practices that build local, national and global economies.

The goal of Manufacturing Day is to inspire the next generation of manufacturers, and educate the public at large on the importance of the role manufacturers play in our daily lives and the growing skill shortage despite the high volume of job openings in the sector.

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The first Manufacturing Day was held in 2012, with growing participation throughout the U.S. since.

When is Manufacturing Day?

Manufacturing Day occurs every year on the first Friday in October.

This year Manufacturing Day is on October 4, 2019.

What is the Mission of Manufacturing Day?

Manufacturing Day is put on by the Manufacturing Institute, the social impact arm of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).

The mission of Manufacturing Day is to promote modern manufacturing practices and jumpstart new approaches to growing the manufacturing talent pool.

The true mission of manufacturing day is to build a steady pipeline of qualified workers.

Over the next decade, there are expected to be 3.5 million job openings in manufacturing, with a growing skill shortage.

The main priorities of Manufacturing Day as listed by the Manufacturing Institute are:

  • Change the perception of careers in manufacturing to reflect its true status as the most advanced, high-tech industry in the country.
  • Re-establish the U.S. as the global leader of manufacturing education.
  • Advocate for education and job training policies that strengthen the U.S. manufacturing workforce.

The ultimate goal is to help manufacturers build a steady pipeline of qualified and diversified manufacturing talent to help build and support local economies for decades to come.

First-hand experience with manufacturers changes individual opinion, and steady job opportunities provide local and national economic predictability.


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