Oxi Day – Oxi Day 2021

Oxi day 2021! In this content, we will share with you about Oxi Day history, quotes, wishes, poem, Picture, Image, HD Wallpaper. This is very important day. On Friday this week, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson will be receiving a delegation from the AHEPA Ottawa Chapter to celebrate “Oxi Day”. To mark this special day at Ottawa City Hall By George is posting background articles on the significance of Oxi Day for Hellenes in Canada and around the world. Today, what world leaders thought of the Greek efforts in 1940 and what the resistance meant for democracies threaten by Nazi aggression.

Oxi Day history, quotes, wishes, poem, Picture, Image, HD Wallpaper

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Prime Minister Scott Morrison sends Greek Australians a message honouring ‘Oxi Day’:

The Hon Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia has delivered a message for the Greek Australian community for 28 October, ‘Oxi Day’ celebrations, which you can read here-

Modern Greek history contains few greater testaments to the Hellenic fighting spirit than the events of World War II – a source of enduring pride as generations of Greek people reflect on the courageous and defiant struggle against invasion and occupation.

The emphatic ‘όχι ‘– No! in response to threatening forces, the sacrifice and losses of the Greco-Italian War, and the Resistance against Axis powers form part of an enduring legacy that has come to hold a place at the heart of Greek identity.

Greek Australians a message honouring ‘Oxi Day’

This Oxi Day, I share in the admiration felt by many Greek Australians for those who lived through these historic events. I pay tribute to those who fought, who suffered and endured, and who played a role in slowing the aggressor’s advance and bringing the war to an end.

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Above all, I acknowledge the enduring friendship between Australia and Greece forged in the heat of war – and I honour the sacrifices made to secure the freedom enjoyed by us all today.”

Oxi Day history, quotes, wishes, poem, Picture, Image, HD Wallpaper:

“The word heroism, I’m afraid, does not reflect in the least the Hellenes’ acts of self-sacrifice that were the defining factor of the victorious ending of all the nations’ common struggle during the 2nd WW for human freedom and dignity.” – Sir Winston Churchill

Oxi Day 2019 history, quotes, wishes, poem, Picture, Image, HD Wallpaper

“If it were not for the bravery of the Hellenes and their courageous hearts, the ending of the 2nd WW would not have been clear.” – Sir Winston Churchill

“Until now we were saying that Hellenes fight like heroes. Now we will say: Heroes fight like Hellenes.” – Sir Winston Churchill

‘The Hellenes” in fighting against the common enemy will share with us in the prosperity of peace.” – Sir Winston Churchill

“As a matter of historical truth, I must ascertain that only the Hellenes, of all the adversaries that confronted me, fought with daring courage and the highest disregard to death… ” – Adolph Hitler

“I fail to give the most needed gratitude that I feel for the heroic resistance of the people and the leaders of Hellas.” – Charles DeGaulle

“Hellas is the symbol of martyric, enslaved, bleeding, but live Europe.  Never has a defeat been so honorable for those who underwent it.” – Maurice Schumann (French Minister of Foreign Affairs)

“I’m sad because I’m getting old and I will not live much longer to express my gratitude to the Hellenic people whose resistance deter­mined WW II.  You fought unarmed and won, small against big… You gave us time to defend ourselves. As Russians and as fellow humans, we thank you.” – Soviet Leader Josef Stalin

“If the Russian people man­aged to raise resistance before the gates of Moscow, to contain and reverse the German hurricane, they owe it to the Hellenic people who delayed the German divisions that could have beaten us. The gigantic battle of Crete was the peak of the Hellenic contribution.” – Georgy Joucov (Marshall of the Soviet Army)

“… the war in Greece proved that anything can be shattered, with respect to the military, and that sur­prises always await us.” – Italian Prime Minister Benito Mousolini

“The great struggle of Hellas was the first big detour for the 2nd WW.” – King George VI

“It would not be an exaggeration to say that Hellas overturned all the German plans forcing Germany to delay for 6 weeks its attack on Russia. We ask ourselves what would have been the position of the Soviet Union without Hellas.” – Sir Harold Alexander (British Marshall)

“Regardless what historians will say in the future, what we can say now is that Hellas gave a memorable lesson to Mussolini, that she was the reason of the resistance in Yugoslavia, that she kept the Germans on the soil of Ipiros and Crete for 6 weeks, that she changed the chronological order of all of the German Major Generals’ plans and, thus, brought about a general alteration in the entire war’s journey and we won.” – Sir Robert Anthony Eden

“For Hellas there was granted a delay of 3 hours on the 28th of October 1940 so that she can decide on war or peace, but, even if a delay of 3 days or 3 weeks or 3 years was granted, the answer would have been the same.” – U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt

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